Saturday, June 21, 2014


PAINTINGS of me and my friend, ST.Guillaume

        A German sculptor friend of mine was looking at one of my early
paintings and said: "Instead of being a writer, I think maybe..."
         I said, " Christ, don't say it! All I can say is painting feels good...
When I'm writing at my best, there's a joy in it.... And with some of the
'testament' writings, I wasn't there at all."
          "Same thing with the paintings, it's as if I'm gone and a saint takes
             "I know how you mean, exactly," he said, "When I do sculpture
 it's the same thing...."  Then he laughed and pointed at
himself and said, "Saint Matz."
              And he pointed at me and laughed and said, "St. Guillaume."

                It's a bit pretentious, I know. Still I think fondly of him. To me,
some of these paintings were done by, "St.Guillaume."

                The thing about painting is it's a joy... I don't take it seriously,
and dear God, I don't want to start now.